business corner/EBBack

provision of BB connectivity to VPOs thru Wimax where LL is not feasible reg 31-05-13
Withdrawal of facility of providing free of cost OFC to MNS LL and MPLS customers reg 10-07-13
Wimax Spl plan for ELCOT 26-09-12
Wimax Spl Plan for PACCS - TNC 29-06-12
Waival of installation charges for Village panchayat BB Elcot orders 05-03-13
WLL connections to Village panchayatraj reg-EBU 06-05-13
Vulnerability of ISDN PRI services provided to EPAX 06-08-13
Vocational training to Engineering students 17-06-13
Vocational training Apr- Sep 2011 reg
Vocational and Summer Training 2013-14 performance and Target 2014-15
Village Panchyat Wimax to be included in Billing excemption reg EBU
VVobb - Two weeks free trial offer in all zones 05-09-12
VVob service launch in SZ on 11-02-13
VVob Gold and VVoB silver plan reg 11-03-13
VVoBB tariff and Promotional offer details 22-04-13
VVoBB services of ITI in South and East zonal circles - Work flow reg 10-06-13
VVoBB service in SSAs reg 04-04-13
VVoBB at PCOs - Partial modification 24-09-12
VVoBB Roll out in TN C 30-01-13
VVoBB Commercial launch in SZ Postponement reg 04-02-13
VPNoBB under NMEICT Achievement
VPNoBB to hospitals in TN in proper plan - reg 04-07-13
VPNoBB to NADRS- DO letter of Dir EB 03-06-13
VPNoBB connectivity to NADRS reg
VPNoBB connections under e-court projects - Discount reg - Clarification 18-06-13
VPNoBB Revenue share for MTNL - BSNL reg 03-06-13
VPNoBB - Booking decentralisation reg
VPNo3G -VPNoBB Free trail - Lr to colleges
VPNo3G - NMEICT project reg
VASP Business promotion 14-12-11
VAS infra sharing - clarification 11-10-12
VAS - Centralised de activation arrangement guidelines 04-02-12
VAS - Business promotion
Using Type I modems for CCTNS connections reg 24-07-14
Uniform Code for deactivation of VAS 22-06-12
Under Construction
UITC - Per sec pulse tariff extended 09-11-12
UIIC ISDN backup reconnection
Type II modems for VPNoBB under NMEICT
Topper Educational service termination 28-09-12
Topper Educational Video learning
Topper Education VAS launching for BB customers reg TNC 05-12-11
Topper Educational Video learning by GC18
Test Procedure for 14 4 Mbps Data Speed
Termination of Topper education service - TNC 16-10-12
Tariff of VPNoWiMAX for Govt Projects 27-06-12
Tariff of KU band VSAT services Revision reg 24-10-13
Tariff of ASA service - Clarification reg 07-05-14
Tariff for managed Network Services 31-12-13
Tariff for commercial use of OBD Services reg 27-04-15
Tariff for bulk push SMS services - Corrigendum 03-02-14
Tariff for bulk push SMS service 31-01-14
Tariff for bulk push SMS reg 05-04-13
Tariff for bulk SMS 20-12-12
Tariff for Leased circuits provided on IDR Satellite link - Clarification 13-06-13
Tariff for Co-location - Hosted and managed services reg 15-11-12
Tariff for Cell Broadcast Services extension reg 13-01-14
Tariff for Bulk push SMS services under M governance policy 25-04-13
Tariff card MCL HE HVC services 30-12-11
TVARIT billing info sharing to public 05-12-11
TN Police - 2000BB-Renewal
TFS connection to Muncipality reg 21-05-13
System Integrators for Private WAN project
System Integrator Eligibility Criterion Modification for WAN projects 20-12-13
Summer Training for B Tech students-06-03-12
Strenthening Enterprise Business unit reg - CGMT letter 17-09-13
Streamlining and revision of ISDN PRI tariff 11-06-13
Streamlining and revision of ISDN PRI - Instructions 08-07-13
Streamlining and revision of ISDN BRI tariff 13-08-13
Streamlining and revision of ISDN PRI tariff - Instructions
Streamlining and revising ISDN PRI TNC 24-06-13
Streamlining and Revision of ISDN PRI tariff 25-10-13
Streamlining and Revision of ISDN PRI Tariff 15-06-13
Streamlining and Revision of ISDN PRI tariff reg 25-10-13
Steps for popularising Data usge in BSNL 26-06-13
Static IP rate for PACCS 13-07-12
Special offer to Corporate clients 01-06-12
Special Discount for CIC approval TNC 15-03-12
Space for BSNL Infra in NME colleges 29-02-12
Short duration ILL tariff extension and modification 22-10-12
Shelf life extn of IN prepaid cards reg 26-02-13
Service pack and Tariff of Online education service on wireline and FTTH reg 18-05-15
Sending Bulk SMS - Guidelines
SMS charges for VAS providers 18-09-12
SMS PUSHService - Raising innvoice reg
Roll out of M Governance Services of NIC over USSD platform managed by Ms Onmobile reg 06-02-14
Revision of tariff under VPNoBB and applicability to DSL FTTH Wimax reg 10-06-14
Revision of tariff of VPNoBB services reg - Corrigenda 11-07-14
Revision of tariff of MPLS VPN and IP VPN in BSNL reg 03-10-13
Revision of tariff for Cloud service of IDC reg 09-06-14
Revision of customised SMS tariff 01-08-14
Revision of VAS revenue share to VASPs in various agreements reg 06-06-13
Revision of ISDN PRI Tariff plan reg 20-0-9-13
Revision of Bulk Push SMS Tariff reg 05-06-13
Revision in Special offer for Corporate Enterprise clients reg 20-01-14
Revision ISDN PRI tariff plans reg- TNC 23-09-13
Revised tariff for Bulk push SMS service 02-08-13
Revised procedure for Thresh hold for CUG and individual 20-11-12
Revised Retail bulk SMS Tariff 16-04-14
Revised Guidelines for Bulk SMS 13-12-12
Review of Infra Charges - VAS 20-04-12
Revenue share for contents in BSNL live 22-08-12
Revenue from BSNL branded VAS -Tunes-Live 28-01-13
Retailing VAS services through C Top UP channel - Discount reg
Reduction in ceiling tariff for DLCs - Domestic Leased circuits -TRAI press release reg 06-08-14
Rationalisation of Tariff for ISDN - Report reg TNC 07-12-11
RTMS in PDS - Relaunching
RTMS creation procedure 27-03-12
Provisioning of Leased line to operators
Provisioning lastmile on Customer owned RF modem reg 28-08-14
Provisioning Billing Workflow-Topper Educational Video learning
Provision of ISD facility on PRIs - Clarification 10-04-13
Provision of BB to Primay Agri Co-op Societies - TNC
Provision of 2mbps and above Leased lines on FTTH where UG cable is not feasible reg 30-05-13
Providing free of cost OFC to MNS Leased line MPLS - Withdrawal reg 02-04-13
Proposal of installation of White label ATMs in BSNL premises reg 30-12-13
Promotional scheme under FTTH BB services for not charging 10 perc extra on DSL BB when used on FTTH - Relaunch 07-05-13
Promotional offer extension for prospective custeomers of some VVoBB plans 18-03-13
Promotion of VAS thru Advt in Bills reg 17-07-12
Promotion of VAS - Instructions
Process for ensuring the branded and Non branded VAS of BSNL Live WAP portal services reg 22-05-13
Postpone of Launch of Cloud Services by Dimension Data 29-04-13
Popularisation of Retail Commercial BULK SMS reg 09-06-14
Popularisation of Customized SMS reg 09-06-14
Policy regarding issue of VVoBB connections 13-08-13
Policy on M-Governance services
Policy for EB Customers below silver
Per second Mobile CUG plan for ONGC 15-07-13
Payment of interest on Deposit- MPLSVPN- ILL - LC -MNS -Clarification 23-08-12
Partial Leased line or last mile copper to pvt operators- Addl conditions 08-04-13
PRM New Agreement Cov Letter 11-006-12
PRM Final Agreement 11-06-12
PPT on Cell broadcast - Letter 05-06-12
PDS-Activies and responsibilities 28-01-12
PDS - Complaint redressal 28-01-12
PDS relaunching 28-01-12
Oracle academy engagement with BSNL reg 18-05-13
Oracle academy engagement with BSNL 10-05-13
Online service directory - reg
Offer for Corporate clients - Corrigendum 07-05-12
ON line Cer Prgrammes - CMD Message
OBD to VASPs free of cost reg
Non Dc of EB customers reg
New ISDN PRI plan for TNC and KTK 17-01-12
New Domain name of BSNL Hello TV 01-06-12
Name tune bulk service reg 09-11-12
Name Tunes - VAS launching 27-09-12
NMEICT-Univ-Campus Lan benefits - Power point presentation
NMEICT-Space for BSNL Infra TNC 13-03-12
NMEICT-Colleges-Polytechnics-VPNoBB-Free trial 29-03-12
NMEICT- Domain name creation - Remedy procedure
NMEICT tariff- USOF subsidy reg 07-03-12
NMEICT project reg 19-01-12
NMEICT outstanding reg 14-03-12
NMEICT cases Centralised bill-CDR TNC 19-12-11
NMEICT campus paln MM on 13-03-12
NMEICT billing issues with CDR - MOM held on 03-03-12
NMEICT University Traffic measurement procedure
NMEICT Minute of meeting -18072011
NMEICT Campus LAN implementation - Tender finalisation
NMEICT Campus LAN executable doc
NMEICT Campus LAN AT Procedure 19-01-13
NMEICT Call Center reg
NMEICT - VPNoBB - free trial 28-03-12
NMEICT - Speed and Latency test
NMEICT - MOM held at corpotae off on 21-06-12
NMECT - Two months con for NW colleges 26-03-12
NME fault booking window reg
NME colleges-status - 02-03-12
NADRS-VPN thru WiMAX TNC 01-06-12
Mtce Philosophy of NMEICT - 13-06-12
Mobile Money Transfer services reg 03-02-14
MoM with VAS partners on 18-04-13 at Delhi - To increase VAS revenue 25-04-13
Minutes of L2 VPN connectivity -10-10-2011
Minutes of EB South Zone meeting 10-06-13
MOM of CBT campus LAN meeting 20-10-11- TNC
MNS service thru Trimax extended 21-08-12
MNS agreement extension reg 23-01-13
M-Governance service - Letter from Dirctor CM
M Governance policy - ASPs services 05-09-12
M Governance for M Govt services Performance SD reg 10-09-12
Local elections - Instructions
Local body elections - Mobile connection
Local body election connections- TNC
Limited usage VDSL BB with High upload speed 08-06-12
Leased line connectivity to Police station - List
Leased circuits provided in IDR Satelite links - Rate revision 01-05-13
Leased ccts on IDR tariff 08-06-12
Laying OH OF cable for EB customers - TNC
Launch of Topper Service
Launch of Cloud services reg 21-05-13
Launch of BSNL Online awareness certificate programme reg
L2 VPN connectivity-Preparatory activities
KU Band VSAT Tariff revision
Introduction of VVoBB 2200U promotional plan in Circles under South and East zones 17-04-13
Infra charge revision for VAS services 28-12-11
Increase VAS revenue
Incoming facility barring for PRISON Telephones - EBU 25-01-14
Implementation of Campus LAN - Payment modalities partial modificatio reg 06-02-13
Implementation of Campus LAN - Payment modalities 23-02-13
IVR based VAS agree - Toll free Browsing 29-02-11
ISDN PRI BRI - Discount on call charges reg
ISDN PRI 5000 promotional plan for EB customers extended for 3 months reg 03-10-13
ISDN PRI 5000 plan promotional period 12-03-13
ISDN PRI 5000 plan - TNC 23-08-12
ISDN PRI 5000 plan - Clarification TNC 24-08-12
IPV6 implementation in BSNL - Gold and platinum EB customers reg 14-02-13
IN pepaid and post paid Wireline services - Target 2013-2014
IN Services revenue Target Circlewise - 2013-14
ILL tariff rev 29-03-12
ILL services revised tariff 29-06-12
ILL one time charge waiving off - delegation of powers 19-10-12
IDC services Sales target 2013-2014 - Corrigenda 12-06-13
ICN project presentation 17-01-12
HS Schools Collection of charges for BB connections provided through ELCOT 14-05-13
Guidlines for forwarding the CUG tariff for EB U to the ECT reg 10-02-14
Guidelines for Leased Circuits billing reg 12-10-15
Forced activation of VAS and measures - Amendment to guide lines 12-07-13
Feasibility report for leased line to Police stations in TNC
FMC for Voice announcement in TF - UAN number reg 14-02-13
Extension of various VVoB schemes 11-03-13
Extension of VVoB schemes - NO OG NO internet Schemes reg 11-03-13
Extension of Promotional offer to selected category of VVobb customers - TNC 10-04-13
Extension of Movies on Demand service 25-06-12
Enterprise revenue target 2014-15 - Circlewise
Enterprise revenue target - Circlewise 2013-14
Empowering GM EB of circle office to decide upon technical proposal - prices - discount and SLA for IDC services 17-09-13
Email Web filtering tariff 18-06-12
EXtn of EB channel partners 10-09-12
EB segment focused attention reg - Message from CMD BSNL 03-10-13
EB revenue target -Circle 13-04-12
EB customer - No discount on ISD calls reg 31-05-12
EB Target review 2011-12
EB Target Review 15-06-12
EB New business target 2012-13
EB - Special packages - Vigilance instructions 12-03-12
EB - New business target - Sales funnel stage 4 for 2013-2014
E-Tracking RTMS to PDS Dept 30-12-11
Dispensing with obtaining reports of defaulters from RAs and Police authorities regarding - Applicability to Leased circuits reg 05-06-13
Discounting power- Key EP -01-02-12
Discounting policy on DLC tariff for 2Mbps and above for Silver customers reg - Clarification 02-02-15
Discounting policy for ILL services of BSNL 13-01-14
Discounting policy KE products 08-05-12
Discounting policy - Key EB products
Discounting Policy - Silver customers
Discount for DID EPABX franchisee on ISD calls - Procedure 04-10-12
Direct Cash Transfer scheme reg
Delegation of power to the CGMs to discount on revised ISDN PRI tariff 19-11-13
Decentralisation for booking of VPNoBB under e-courts project reg 01-05-13
Data setting for handsets in BSNL
Customised sms 30-12-11
Cricket on BSNL Hello TV 23-07-12
Content provider refund module at CSC thru CCM - 08-12-11
Connectivity multi campus NMEICT
Commission structure for existing Franchisees DSAs to sell to silver category EB customers reg 13-12-13
Commercial OBD services - Guidelines 06-06-14
Cloud service through IDCs reg 13-01-15
Cloud service tariff on revenue share basis 01-05-13
Clarification reg applicability of revised MPLS tariff to existing customers reg 25-10-13
Charging of FMC for annoucement from any UAN no - TNC order 27-02-13
Channel partners renewal
Centralised VAS De-activation guidelines 21-01-13
Centralised VAS De-activation guidelines 19-01-13
Centralised DC-RC of NIC links - MOM NIC and ITPC 31
Cell broadcast services PP
Cell broadcast based services reg 29-04-14
Cell Info service by EB 10-01-12
Cell Broadcast service Tariff 11-05-12
Cell Broadcast service - Discount reg 16-11-12
Capturing new Business - ICN 17-01-12
Campus LAN-guidelines BSNL CO lr - TNC
Campus LAN-guidelines BSNL CO lr - 15-03-12
Campus LAN executable document Approval 13-01-12
CEASP contact details for M Governance - Updated 13-01-15
CAMPUS LAN clarification 21-02-12
CAF for CAAS - cloud services 26-06-13
Business promotion under VAS agree 11-07-12
Business promotion thru USSD channels
Business from S and MI - EB cell spl focus - Cov lr
Business from IT and ITES - Spl focus- TNC
Business Promotion under VAS 29-12-11
Bulk push SMS service - Discount tariff reg 24-01-13
Bulk push SMS ar free of cost reg 27-03-14
Bulk push SMS agreement signing reg 14-01-13
Bulk push SMS - Clarification 12-02-13
Bulk SMS signing agreement reg 23-01-13
Bulk SMS revised tariff 04-12-12
Bulk Push SMS service - Revised tariff 18-01-13
Broadband to post offices
Broadband to Puduvazhvu project reg 15-04-13
Billing and collection of BB provided to HS Schools thru ELCOT 03-06-13
BPMI SIDCO EB cell Annex
BB to VP - Panchayat raj 18-06-12
BB to TNACET - IP provsision 19-01-12
BB to Lab Welfare Board 12-01-12
BB to Agriculture dept - Cov lr
BB to Agriculture Dept - List
BB for TANCET reg 12-01-12
BB connection to Village panchayat Offices reg
BB VAS popularising
BB VAS Target for 2013-2014
BB Connectivity through Wimax - reg 07-05-13
BB Combo rev share with EPABX franchisee
Automatic Hot line WLL - VAS
Authorisation of Circle Heads - To quote in EB related bids 15-05-13
Approved CAF for CAAS - Cloud services - modification letter reg 26-06-13
Appreciation of CMD to EB team TNC 29-08-12
Appreciation letter to CGMT TNC by Dir EB for achieving EBU Gold and Silver segment target 16-04-13
Appreciation Letter from CMD - TN Circle EB Unit 10-04-15
Applicability of revised MPLS tariff to existing subscribers reg 18-11-13
Agreement with Nokia for provision of SMS Data based VAS to wireless sub 24-04-12
Addendum to M- Governance policy 19-03-14
ATM at BSNL premises - Eleectrical charges
APNs for BSNL VAS in SIM 18-07-12
1 Gbps ILL tariff revision 25-05-12