Wealth Tax evaluation reg
Vigilance Clearance of SDE Elec to EE promotion 13-12-11
VC for SE E promotion 28-06-12
VC for JTO Elec to SDE Elec promotion 08-10-12
VC for Adhoc Promotion to SE (E) 07-07-12
Transfer and posting in EE C grade 30-12-11
Transfer Request in the grade of SDE Elec under Transfer policy reg 13-12-11
Training instead of exam for Civil-Electrical 230609
The contract conditions of civil contract CS4 Annexure A - Ammendment
System improvement for preparation and scrutiny of tenders - Civil 08-11-12
Suitable Electricity tariff for BSNL 21-06-12
Strategy for procuring external Civl works
Standard tender document for BSNL civil works- Modification reg 04-04-13
Simple accounts exam-JTO Civil cancellation 100709
Service Tax and CENVET credit rules - guidelines on preparation of bills - Electrical and Civil wing 17-09-13
Second TBP in TN Civil Zone - 24-07-12
STS Arch Provisional seniority list 30-03-12
SE(E) Regular promotion 27-03-12
SE Civil adhoc to regular promotion 16-10-12
SDE civil LDCE 180611 posting
SDE Electricals LDCE 2011 Posting order
SDE Elec seniority list reg - Cov letter 21-03-12
SDE Elec seniority list - 21-03-12
SDE Elec promotion for the vacancy year 2012-13 - Calling for VC reg 18-02-13
SDE Elec LDCE 2002 revised promotion order
SDE Civil Retention
SDE Civil Local Officiating Option called for - 28-07-12
SDE Civil LDCE - Calling for VC 03-04-14
SDE C Promotion to EEC grade on adhoc basis 29-12-11
Revised sanctioned strength of SDE Civil reg 20-02-15
Restructuring of Civil wing Units post - ERP reg 04-03-15
Requirement of Electrical licence for carrying Installation work
Reporting and Reviewing structure for Exec of Civil Elec in BSNL 16-04-14
Reporting and Reviewing authority for Executives in Civil - Elec - Amendment 01-01-15
Repatriation of unabosrbed ITS officers - Secy DOT 03-09-12
Renaming of Surveyor of Works - Electrical as EE 20-01-15
Reimburesement for Energy Auditor - Energy manager reg
Regular promotion to SDE C grade under Seniority cum Fitness quota - Calling for VC- 02-12-11
Regular promotion in the grade of SDE Civil - Seniority Quota - Calling of ACRs 31-01-13
Regular promotion in the grade of CE Civil - Calling for VC 26-03-13
Regular promotion in the grade of CE Civil - Calling for ACR 26-03-13
Regular promotion in the grade of CE C - request for ACR reg 17-01-13
Regular Promotion to the grade of SDE C under seniority quota - Calling for VC 22-03-13
Qualification of Executives in Civil Eng - SDE C Sr 459 to 560 08-10-12
Provisional Seniority list of Absorbed officers in Electrical wing 10-01-12
Proposal of Fixed hourly energy charges for IPs - 09-01-12
Promotion to the grade of EE C - Qualification updation - Annexure
Promotion to the grade of EE C - Compilation of Educational qualification 04-07-12
Promotion in the grade of SDE Electrical on regular basis under Seniority quota for vacancy year 2012 -2013 13-06-13
Promotion in the grade of EE Elec - calling for APAR 10-01-12
Promotion in the grade of EE C - Calling for VC and ACR - Clarification 11-03-13
Promotion in the grade of CE Civil 31-10-13
Promotion and posting of 61 JTO Civil to SDE Civil on regular basis 10-06-13
Proforma promotion in the grade of SE Civil reg 29-05-14
Preparatory work for the promotion of to the grade of EE Elec - Reminder 28-05-13
Preparatory work for promotion in the grade of EE Electricals 08-02-13
Preparatory work for promotion in the grade of EE Electricals - List 08-02-13
Preparatory work for promotion in the grade of EE Electrical - Reminder 22-03-13
Posting of Second CE Electrical reg - Instructions 29-10-13
Payment of property tax to local bodies
Nomination of electrical inspector - Clarification reg 04-09-13
Nodal officer for external projects
Minutes of the SNEA(I) TN Civil Division meeting with PCE Civil on 25-07-12
Look after arrangement on Standalone basis - Electrical reg 11-07-14
LDCE for promotion to the grade of SDE (Electrical) under 33 percent quota for vaccancy years 2011-12 and 2012-13 - Modification in the scheme reg 14-08-13
LDCE for promotion to the grade of SDE (El) under 33 percent quota to be held on 24-11-13 - Notice 13-08-13
LDCE exam corrigendum - 300810
LDCE backlog Vacc SDE Civil 33 per quota held on 18-06-11- result
LDCE SDE Elec 33 per quota 19-06-11 exam result
LDCE JTO Arch to SDE Arch held on 18 190611- result
LDCE to SDE Electricals 33 per quota - Partial modification of result
JTO civil-elec filling up 50 per vaccancies 130109
JTO Elec- Syllabus 33 per quota
JTO Elec to SDE Elec promotion on regular basis for the vaccancy year 2010 to 2012 - reg
JTO Civil to SDE Civil officiating order 09-11-11
JTO Civil to SDE Civil promotion under seniority quota 09-05-12
JTO Civil - elect LDCE 200509
JTO CIVIL Induction Training - ELT - Last batch - Circular
JTO CIVIL Induction Training - ELT - Last batch - ALTTC letter 16-07-13
JTO C to SDE(C) 67 per quota promotion - Calling for ACR - 20-3-12
JTO C to SDE C Seniority quota promotion - ACR called for 13-12-11
JTO Arch Regular final seniority list as on 01-10-12
JTO Arch - Provisional Seniority list as on 01-03-12
JAG Arch Provisional seniority list 30-03-12
Integration of SE Civil offices reg 16-01-15
Induction Training to JTOC SDE C who have not undergone Entry level Training 09-05-12
Incumbency details of Executives in Civil up to EE C as on 01-01-2013 reg- 14-02-13
Incumbency Details proforma
Holding of LDCE for promotion from JTO Arch to the grade of AE Arch under 33 perc quota - Corrigendum 20-09-13
Grant of one time relaxation to Regular SDE Civil who have not undergone ELT for JE C ot JTO Civil reg 06-01-14
GCC for civil works -2006 - Correction slip 4
GCC 2006 - Correction slip 5 - Civil NIT reg 14-08-13
Final seniority list of Senior Arch 14-06-12
Final seniority list in the grade of EE (C) for executives absorbed - 02-12-11
Final seniority list in SE Civil as on 15-08-12
Final Seniority list of Reg Architects 18-07-12
External project Civil Architect Electrical - Co ordination
External Projects- Nodal officer- Architect wing
External Project- MOU with KVS reg 11-03-13
Entry of Qualification acquired by BSNL Executives of Electrical wing - Clarification 26-06-12
Entry level Training JTO C - Relaxation for delay reg 07-01-13
Enhancement of Fin power of Elec wing 13-02-12
Energy Auditor Manager list
Energy Audit of BSNL installations 25-02-12
Energy Audit for Other Org Lr
Empaneling BSNL as Construction agency for KVS work
Eligibilty criteria for participation in BSNL Electrical - Electro mechanical works tender 05-04-13
Electrical license - Mandatory requirement - Clarifications 12-03-13
Educational qualification of Civil Executives on the date of notification of MSRR 2009 - reg 31-05-13
EE(E) to SE(E) adhoc promotion 14-09-12
EE(C) grade provisional seniority list 24-08-11
EE civil promotion to the grade of to SE Civil 06-11-12
EE civil Deemded date of promotion reg 19-09-12
EE Civil Provisional Seniority list 31-07-12
Draughtsman comp exam reg 070110
Draft Correction in Seniority position in Part II of AIEL - 05 in respect of JTO Cilil reg 29-01-13
Discrepancies in provisional answer keys of LDCE for JTO (CEArch) to SDE held on 18 and 19-06-11
Delegation of financial powers of SE E reg 31-08-12
DR JTO Elec - Syllabus Final
Corrected AIEL 2005 Part II as on 14-01-13 of JTO civil subsequent of grant of OTR in entry level training 02-04-13
Constitution of First ACP ( Civil ) screening committee 21-02-12
Compressors Phased out models reg 20-12-11
Commercial exploitation of BSNL lands
Civil work deviation -CVO guidelines 26-04-12
Civil Works - Maintenance Norms
Civil Wing - Undertaking External work- PGM BW
Chief Arch Provisional seniority list 30-03-12
Callling V C for regular promotion in the grade of EE C -07-03-13
Callling ACR for regular promotion in the grade of EE C -07-03-13
Calling VC regular promotion to SE(C) grade 27-02-13
Calling ACR for regular promotion in the grade of SE(C) 27-02-13
CE Civil regular promotion - Calling for APAR and VC reg 27-11-13
CE C Promotion - Tr and Posting order 26-03-14
BSNL Enlsitment rules 2012 Electricals - amendment reg 25-03-13
Architectiral consultancy fee 07-08-12
Approval Civil
Amendment in eligibilty criteria for participating in Electrical - Electr mechanical tenders reg 30-10-13
Adoption of CPWD works manual II and Delhi Schedule rates reg 13-07-12
ATMs in BSNL premises - UBI - TNC
ATMs in BSNL premises - At CSCs reg
ATM at BSNL premises- formation of FRAC reg
7TR HPAC Specifications