Writing of CR - TN 030309
Writing of ACR - ACP guidelines
Writing APAR of executives -02-04-13
Updating APAR in HRMS package and implementation of Bell curve approach in performance rating reg 12-12-12
Regarding APAR reported and reviewed by same officer 06-02-14
Rating of numerical grading in APAR between 0 and 4 reg 20-12-14
Rating of numerical grading in APAR between 0 and 4 as to bench marks for DPC - 30-10-14
Individual PMS in APAR reg - DO lr from Dir HR 05-06-14
IPMS SCORECARDS for APAR from 2011 - 310111
Guidelines to fill up APAR reg 28-05-14
Guidelines for filling out APARs of employees in BSNL 19-12-13
Guidelines for filling out APARs of employees in BSNL - TNC 20-12-13
Effect of Penalties on Promotion - Role of DPC - DoPandT guidelines 28-04-14
Circle office APAR Reporting - Reviewing Structure reg 23-05-13
CR- Recording comments 170209
CR RULINGS - Accounts TNC 30-4-12
Below benchmark- ACR before 2008-09 - 130410
Below benchmark bsnlorders ACR 100510
Below Bench Mark Grading in APARs - Instructions reg 15-07-14
APAR- Screening committee consideration for 4years - Clarification
APAR- Reporting and reviewing structure amendment reg 09-05-14
APAR- Appeal against below benchmark cases 130711
APAR maintainance with fairness reg - 270709
APAR issue of certificate - 290411
APAR Timely completion 010410
APAR RULINGS -TNC - 29-03-14
APAR Procedures 080410
APAR Procedure 290310
APAR Clarification - 080910
APAR Below benchmark TNC 311210
APAR Below Bench mark cases appeal reg - TNC
APAR AMENDMENT for executives 08-05-14
APAR - Maintenance and preparation - Instructions of CGMT TNC 30-04-13
APAR - Juducual assesement by Reporting and Reviewing officer reg 25-03-15
APAR - IPMS reg - CMD 08-04-15
ACR reporting Civil Elec - 160709
ACR prior to 2008-09 - 160210
ACR grading prior to 2008 - 060110
ACR as APAR from 140509
ACR FORM-amendment 160309
ACR APAR with below Bench mark grading - Action in compliance of Court orders reg 05-12-12
ACR APAR Disposal of representation for upgradation in a quasi judicial manner reg 31-01-14