business corner/CAFBack

Verification of new mobile sub and verification 19-11-12
Verification of New Mobile subscriber - TNC instructions
Using Common CAF for CM Products reg
Televerification at WCC reg 03-12-12
Televerification IVR tree and flow 08-11-12
Storage of CAF -documents after permanent DC 25-06-12
Standard Operating Procedure - CAF for new mobile connection
Speciall MNP CAF Comm for 15 days 21-08-12
Special Portin MNP CAF Commission for one month 21-09-12
Scheme of Financial penalty - CAF 21-12-12
Scanning and uploading CAF- TNC 190211 reg
Scanning & Managing CAF for GSM & CDMA 310809
Revision of ISD tariff of High cost destinations for LL plans reg 25-10-13
Revised CAF with Form-1 in view of DOT guide lines - 30-10-12
Revised CAF activation flow - TNC
Request for extension of date for uploading Scanned CAF reg 26-05-15
Reduced SIM Cost and enhanced CAF Commission for Franchisees reg 23-01-15
Promotional MNP CAF commission and incentive to Franchisees reg 05-02-15
Promotional CAF Commission Structure for MNP 08-01-13
Procedure of penalty in respect of subscriber non verification reg 04-03-13
Port in GSM Prepaid customers under MNP - Clarification on amount to be remitted reg - TNC 28-01-13
Physical verification of Sub 220610
Online Commission - Ms Pyro TNC 28-11-11
New mobile sub Verification - Instructions 20-11-12
New CAF for prepaid postpaid format 01-11-12
New CAF for Landline NTC 05-10-12
New CAF Landline - TNC 08-10-12
NEW CAF for mobile postpaid-Prepaid reg
Modifications in terms and conditions as printed overleaf on CAF reg 25-09-14
Modification in new CAF format for GSM mobile connection - TNC 03-01-14
Modification in New CAF format for GSM mobile connection reg 03-01-14
Mobile connections Without CAF reg
Minutes o fMeeting on CAF- Sancharsoft 280610
MNP Port in - Spl CAF Comm extn TNC 01-06-12
MNP CAF commission payment reg 28-01-12
MNP CAF commission offer in low traffic BTS area retailers 09-04-14
MNP CAF commission and incentive for Channel partners - reg 08-12-14
MNP CAF commission - Clarification reg 14-01-15
Instructions to CSCs - New CAF entry in SS 20-11-12
Implementation of DOT guidelines in CAF 05-11-12
Guidelins Free sim - verification of activation 271010
Guidelines of CAF Penalty and Recovery from franchisees and Security deposit reg -TNC 22-02-14
Guidelines for CAF Penality and Recovery from Franchisees and SD reg 30-01-14
GSM CAF sacn- meet minutes 040309
Filling email id Contact no in BB CAF
Extn of addl Port in CAF commission reg - TNC 28-01-13
Extn of addl CAF commission for Port in MNP 03-01-13
Decentralisation of imposing penalty 160610
Deactivation prepaid if CAF not entered 240510 TNC
Deactivation for non receipt of forms 101210
DSA Appointment for CAF collection reverse bundling 251010
DOT revised guidelines for verification of New Prepaid - Post paid sub - TNC 01-10-12
Collecting Adhar number with Mobile CAF reg 19-01-15
Collecting Adhar number for Mobile CAF - Instructions 01-12-14
Centralised CAF data gateway reg
CYMN CAF commission structure for CP 09-05-12
CDMA CAF Change in procedure reg
CAFCompliant to FULL MNP reg
CAF verification 141210- TNC
CAF scanning revised guidelines reg
CAF scanning 231210
CAF reverification scan upload
CAF modified form 13-01-15
CAF instruction - Verification of new sub 02-11-12
CAF for LL Modification reg - Cov letter 13-01-15
CAF for CDMA - DOT guide lines implementation reg 09-11-12
CAF for CAAS - cloud services 26-06-13
CAF final
CAF commmission in SS
CAF commission payment through Sancharsoft Online 13-03-13
CAF commission payment - TNC
CAF commission module implementation- Lr TNC 28-11-11
CAF Landline modified - Cov lr 05-10-12
CAF GSM - DOT guidelines implementation reg 09-11-12
CAF Commission On line - TNC 20-12-11
CAF Commission Module - SS - PPT - TNC 28-11-11
CAF Clarification 140211
CAF - Penalty CMD 300609
CAF - Address pending cases 06-02-11
Business rules for CAF commision incentive processing - Power point
Adhar as POI - 13-06-12
Address Regularization for Vanity numbers TNC 10-01-12
Address Entry and Acceptance reg TNC 10-01-12