Circulars / Rulings
BSNL Option
BSNL CDA Rules-2006
CCS Rules
Court case-Judgements
Executive Transfer Policy
Fuel through Fleet Card
Income Tax
Medical Facility
MOU with Banks
Pay & Pay Revision
Perks & Allowances
Promotion Policy
Recruitment Rules
Knowledge base
knowledge Share
Core Committee
Business Corner
business corner/Broad Band
tentative allotment DSLAM NGBB
onlive DSLAM monitoring by SMS alert 150211
email id entry in CAF for BB 16-02-12
Ways to achieve the target 050810
Waival of installation charges for new LL and BB annual payment options on promotional basis up to 31-03-2014 reg 08-01-2014
Voice & Video over BB workflow annex 140611
Voice & Video over BB workflow 140611
VAS Promotion CMD DO letter
VAS Growth stratagy South Zone review - PP
Use of CAT 5 Cable instead of Dropwire for providing BB to sub 04-04-13
Upgradation of Bandwidth and enhancement of FMC of UL FUP BB reg 08-05-14
Topper Education - Video learning 16-05-12
Tests DELT and SELT 240111
Target Projectwise 2011-12
Suggestions - Proposals for rationalistion of BB tariff 19-10-12
Splitter replacement - address 160311
Speed slow in BB network- Guidelines
Special Drive to recover Rented CPEs from closed BB connections 24-10-13
Software tool for selecting suitable BB plan 180111
Slow speed presentaion reg
Slow speed 181010
Slow BB speed MOM 81210
Short duration internet Charge revision
Shifting of BB connections from ADSL+2 to NGN technology reg 08-05-14
Sancharnet issues post migration to P3 210311
SW TOOL for best fit BB plan 080311
SMS code for BB NW faults
SMS bases BB usage 250311
SMS based usage alerts - BB
SMS based usage alerts - Annex
SMS based usage -alert 300311
Rural BB ROLLOUT Condition - Instructions
Roll out of Motive application in BB NW reg 28-04-14
Revision of MRP of BB CPEs TNC 19-12-12
Revision of MRP of BB CPEs 07-12-12
Revised BSNL internal benchmark for BB provisioning and fault clearance 11-07-14
Review of discount scheme to Govr employees available under DSL and Wimax Broadband reg 30-09-13
Review of discount scheme to Govr employees available under DSL and Wimax Broadband reg TNC 03-10-13
Revenue from BSNL branded VAS -Tunes-Live 28-01-13
Reformulation of Existing ADSL postpaid BB plans -06-12-12
Reconnection of DNP BB customers reg 27-07-14
Re launch of Samadhan scheme for BB disputed limited usage bills reg 27-04-15
RC scheme for LL BB and PCOs 10-08-12
QOS Broadband - TRAI draft proposal reg
Promotion of BB Schemes during festival season 30-10-12
Procedure for accounting CPE 010210
Printing of MRP in CPE boxes 150509
Prepaid BB poor status
Prepaid BB Vouchers - Extn of Shelf life Volume based Prepaid vouchers 26-12-12
Post paid BB- Party own modem - Offer- TNC
Point to point Leased Line VPN Over BB 090511
Permission for selling Modem in CSCs - CFA CBE
Out sourcing wireline BB services - Provisioning and Mtce reg 06-08-14
Opening of High speed Cyber cafe in SSAs reg 18-02-2014
One Free prepaid BB to all Postpaid BB customer in 5 SSAs
Offering 3-6mbps data card at reduced price for ADSL BB subscribers reg 13-03-15
OTA Bookmark service in BSNL NW with Google 29-12-11
Non repairing of modems
Night free calling facilty - For all Retail BB combo plans - CS plans - Old BB plans 13-05-15
New service Facebook on USSD by BSNL - Press release reg
New Standalone BB plan BBG ULD 1275 introduction reg 08-05-14
New Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation
NETONE revised rate
Multiplay motive client CD - annexure
Motive application-Multiplay implementation
Motive application for Multiplay - Cov
Monitoring DSLAM procedure 170311
Minutes of Dir (CFA) meeting
Migration P2
Melas Govt employees scheme 281009
Maintenance of P2 system
MOM Motive implementation 310111
MOM Motive implementation 240211
MOM Discon on BB committee
MIGRATION OF P2 to Multiplay Annex
Leased Lines using Broadband Network 110411
Launch of New BBG Combo ULD 1445 and 2799 reg 07-05-14
Launch of New BBG Combo ULD 1445 and 2799 reg - Corrigenda 09-05-14
Introduction of VVoBB 759 UL plan as regular UL plan 28-01-13
Introduction of New VVoBB schemes 28-01-13
Incentive to employees- LD BB plan
IVR bases VAS thru OBD - On Mobile 02-04-13
Hungama SSA Portal - User guide
Heavy disconnection DO letter 240311
Guidelines for destroying Life expired Prepaid Broadband Vouchers 23-04-12
Free VAS over BB for 60 days
Free Laptop students- Promotion of 3G DC and BB-TNC
Filling email id Contact no in BB CAF
Field training for BB provisioning & Mtce 140611
Extn of waiver of instasllation charge for BB 230311
Exit interview of disconnected BB Customers 290611
Exit interview for Disconnection reg 300511
Exit interview BB LL leaving sub-TNC 22-08-12
Exit Interview of Dis BB customer 300511
Excess usage-one time settlement 070411
Conn to Govt SchOOLS through ELCOT 160611
Concessional BB
Complaint redressal mechanism 090611
Check BSNL Broadband Usage on Mobile by SMS
Centralised billing through P3 for bulk
CPEs thru Franchisees reg 22-02-12
CPE ZTE tYPE i upgradation
CMD DO letter - BB awards in PC world reg
CDMA Complaint website launching -TNC 05-12-11
Business from Educational segment reg TNC 140611
Broadband operational parameter for year 2011
Broadband Physical target for 2011
Broadband FAQ for Call Centre 08Sept10
Broadband Disconnected subscribers survey with Questinaire reg - Cov lr 18-06-15
Broadband Disconnected subscribers survey with Questinaire reg - Annex B
Broadband Disconnected subscribers survey with Questinaire reg - Annex A 18-06-15
Balance based tariff reintroduction 300910
BSNL approved Vendor for selling BB CPE Dlink modem reg 08-06-15
BSNL Launches SIM Embeded SMS bases utility services 22-11-13
BSNL Acct on Facebook Twitter reg 20-04-12
BB usage when BB service is suspension status reg 27-06-13
BB review meeting 15-07-11 - MOM
BB outsourcing Marketting Installation 090309
BB free trial paln - 01-03-12
BB error usage clearance - Guidelines TNC 22-11-12
BB demand generation 160311
BB coverage at Common service centre 040509
BB connectivity to NME
BB Slow speed issues presentation
BB Routing of fault docket 090611
BB QoS - TRAI amendment TNC 12-12-12
BB Puthu vazhvu - connectivity reg 03-11-12
BB Prom Scheme for new sub 05-03-12
BB Physical Target for the period 2013-2014
BB Modems sale by CFA franchisee CBE reg
BB Modem procurement - Vendor approval TNC 14-12-11
BB Maintenence out sourcing reg 250309
BB LD opt app for Gov empl with disc
BB Existing Postpaid connection reformulation TNC 07-12-12
BB Disconnection analysis
BB Concession to Below JAG - Modification TNC 19-03-12
BB CPE throiugh Franchisees - Clarification 02-03-12
BB 8mbps relaunch 221209
BB - prepaid tariff rationalisation on DSL access
Allotment of APN for VPN created in NIB 040711
Agreessive marketting push for BB 250609
Action Plan on BB 030611
ADSL nomenclature 250210
BB Kiosk