Circulars / Rulings
BSNL Option
BSNL CDA Rules-2006
CCS Rules
Court case-Judgements
Executive Transfer Policy
Fuel through Fleet Card
Income Tax
Medical Facility
MOU with Banks
Pay & Pay Revision
Perks & Allowances
Promotion Policy
Recruitment Rules
Knowledge base
knowledge Share
Core Committee
Business Corner
Perks and Allowances
Withdrawal of BIS from service connections reg 05-06-14
WiMAX Discount scheme offer for Govt and BSNL employees 29-03-12
Vocational trng BSNL Employee ward concession 160611
VAS to BSNL employees for 3 months for awareness
Treatment of Deployed ITS Gr A officers of DOT - Admissibility of allowances -Clarification -17-07-13
Transport allow one km restriction removal 010710
Transfer benefits on Tr to NIL SSA Valparai and Kodaikanal in TNC 18-01-12
TDS on Leave Encashment amount at the time of Retirement - Reg 04-05-12
Supply of towels and briefcases 23-01-13
Special concession - facilities to employees working in Kashmir Valley 25-06-15
Service connections in Home and Offices over FTTH - Addendum reg 29-01-14
Service Mobile regularisation on Retirement-VRS-Death-Transfer reg TNC 16-05-13
SEDOT and RSTC provision for same employee - Clarification- TNC 19-12-11
Rssidence office Furniture to GM-PGM 081110
Revised perks order-040909
Revised Fair usage policy on office service BB connections 27-01-15
Retention policy for keeping PC, Laptop etc by DGM and above officers - reg 22-02-12
Retention of staff qurters by repatriated officers reg 07-05-13
Retd Govt Employee discount in 3G postpaid 100611
Restriction on the usage of Service - RSTC to reduce IUC 04-01-13
Restriction of the Training to the executives posted in tenure stations reg 02-07-13
Regularisation of RSTC and GSM connections after retirement etc reg 15-09-14
Recognition of technical courses thru DE - AICTE clarification
Rate of Trans Allowance to Blind or Orthopedically handicapped 10-12-14
RSTC-MSTC-call limit 200907
RSTC- Disconnection offnet calls in RSTC and Service mobile connection reg 14-05-13
RSTC MSTC amendment 280207
RSTC - Life certicate for retired employees 061210
RSTC - Handset for service mobile reimbursement -190308
RSTC - Concessional BB connection to Retired to Chairman - members of TC reg 20-12-13
RFTC - Service tax for free calls
Quarters-Valuation of perquisite for the vacant staff Qtrs to Family member of BSNL 31-05-12
Quarters-Ciivil Electrical service charges for renting out vacant staff quarters to CPSUs etc 18-06-13
Quarters- Vaccant Qtrs Utilisation policy amendment
Quarters- Staff Quarters retention by repatriated Gr-A officers - 29-12-11
Quarters- Revision of flat rates for License fee for Deptl Quarters w e f 01-07-2013
Quarters- Retention after permissible period - Delegation of powers
Quarters- Policy for utilisation of staff quarters in BSNL reg 01-07-13
Quarters- Fixing service charges for renting out vacant qtrs reg 02-05-14
Quarters- Policy for allotment of staff quarters to retired employees 30-12-11
Quarters allotment beyond permissible period to spouse of deceased BSNL employee reg - 23-09-14
Quarters - Renting out vaccant staff quarters - revised policy 23-12-14
Quarters - Renting out vacant staff quarters to other PSUs etc - Service charges reg Corrigenda 22-01-14
Quarters - Modifies policy for allotment of vacant quarters to Retired employees in BSNL DOT 10-07-13
Quarters - Extension of policy of allotment of Staff quarters for retired employees reg 18-02-13
Quarters - Eligibility criteria- july 2010
Quarters - Eligibility criteria for CDA pay scales to officials in BSNL 23-09-14
Quarters - Allotment vacnt quarters to Retired employees - Family members of employee reg - Clarification 06-12-13
Qtrs-Modified policy for renting out vacant staff quarters of BSNL reg 06-08-2015
Qtrs-Modified policy for allotment of vacant quarters to Retired employees of BSNL - DOT 19-07-13
Qtrs- Retention of staff Qtrs beyond permissible time of 8 months - Repatriated Gr A officers case 22-06-12
Qtrs allotted to DOT units reg Clarification 22-08-12
Provision of STD on service to RSTC
Provision of Prepaid service SIM to TMs etc 16-01-12
Provision of GSM Mobile service handsets in BSNL to JAG and above level officers reg 02-12-13
Provision of Prepaid Service SIM to TM RM of OD section - TNC order 23-01-12
Proposal for inclusion of vaccant transit quarters
Prepaid SIM and CUG for TM RM 19-03-12
Policy regarding issue of VVoBB connections 13-08-13
Policy for allotment of Vaccant qtrs to retired employees - Amendment 26-10-12
Phone to retired employees-clarification
Perquisite tax 241108
Payment of Service Tax to Service mobile usage- Instructions
Official domestic Air travel of BSNL officers - Economy measure reg 15-07-13
OTA rates for Non Executive employees - 27-02-13
Non Exexcutive Maternity leave enhancement 010210
Newspaper claim- clatrification 220710
Mtce of Ladiy officers officials Pool for allotment of BSNL Staff Quarters 31-03-15
Mobile handset to Look after executives - Instructions 13-01-15
Maternity Paternity leave Spl allowance amendment 050110
LL and BB service connection Rationalisation 26-03-14
Keeping certain allowances outside the 50 percentage ceiling for perks and allowances m- DPE guidelines 11-06-13
Issue of HRA of employees of CPSEs under 2007 payscale reg 06-06-14
Issue of Diary for Executives and Non Executives for the calender year 2015 - Order 17-11-14
International_travel - Clarification by DoE 10-11-14
Incentive for acquiring higher qualification - Clarification 13-03-13
Incentive for acquiring fresh higher qualification - Clarification 17-12-13
Implementation of FUP on Service BB connections 31-07-14
Implementation of CCL in HRMS package reg 23-04-13
Honararium for Exams 030310
Honararium for exam relatred works 030410
Hindi personal pay on rev scale 010710
Hard area Allowance to BSNL employees posted in some Islands of Lakshadeep 07-07-13
Handicped Transport Allowance 180307
HRA - Re classification of cities w r t 2011 census reg 10-09-15
HPL encashment against shortfall of EL of 300 days on death of any BSNL Employee while in service w e f 01-01-2006
Grant of concessional telephone to retired employees - Modification reg procedure for proof of life certificate 12-06-14
Grant of Honararium for setting up of Question papers -Evaluation of Answer book reg 12-08-14
Grant of Furnishing Allowance - Clarification reg 20-03-13
Grant of Child Care leave to women employees of BSNL 08-03-13
Full DA while in abroad 070111
Facilities for Persons with disabilities -DoPT 31-03-14
Extension of 3G and GPRS services to all executives from JTO level up to 31-01-15
Encashment leave short fall - HPL 010710
Encashment leave short fall - HPL - corrigendum 221210
Empanelment of Hotels for JAG SAG officers on tour to Delhi 25-03-13
ERP - Briefcase Towell uniform procedure
Distance learning clarificarion 301110
Distance Learning Scheme - Revised _181010
Distance Education - Reimbursement reg TNC 17-04-12
Discontinue ofproject allowance in BSNL 020310
Disconnection offnet calls in RSTC - Further Instructions 15-06-13
Disconnection of access to Offnet calls - Instructions 17-05-13
Diet and Food allowance admissibility clarification 200611
Definition of Dependent family member for CGA reg - DoP and T clarification 25-02-15
Concessional tariff - Retired CMD and directors 220910
Concessional Broadband Connection to JAG and above retired Officers at their residence in BSNL serving area ñ 22-03-13
Concessional BB to Below JAG level BSNL retired employees at their residence - Modification of policy reg 27-06-12
Concessional BB connection to below JAG level officers 28-02-12
Computer Moped advance amendment
Composite transfer grant - Corrigendum 200810
Composite transfer grant in rev pay 010710
Classification of Cities as per SR 51 reg - Clarification reg 20-05-14
Child Care leave -TNC order 18-03-13
CCL - EPP Pay scale upgradion - Clarification w r t effect of EOL and CCL reg 11-09-15
Briefcase Towell - Uniform rate ERP - TNC 28-11-11
Black berry - BIS to DGM and above 280510
Barring of other calls to other operators 11-01-13
Barring of calls to Private operators from Service connections in BSNL TNC 29-01-13
BSNL Distance Learning Scheme 2010- Review 11-06-12
BSNL Distance Education Scheme - TNC 25-07-12
BB to BSNL employees 240908
BB service to Res of JAG and above - Revised 070710
BB discount to BSNL employees 120609
BB concessional facility below JAG modification 030611
BB Concession on tariff to BSNL employees 160511
BB 20 per discount- BSNL employees 181010
BB 20 per discount for BSNL employees - revised 210910
Air travel on Official tour or LTC - Guidelines of DOE 09-07-13
3G service connection to JAG 131109
3G and GRRS facility to all officers in the level of JTO and above - Extension up to 31-07-2014 reg 07-02-14
3G and GPRS facility to JTO and above - Extended up to 31-07-2015
3G GPRS service to JTOs and above extended for one year - up to 31-01-2014
3G GPRS to executives approval 15-02-12
Revised IDA rates