Knowledge share

Wifi security instructions 110909
Wealth Tax evaluation reg
WLL error CDR -Updation in Kenen FX billing system
VRLA battery maintenence 16-08-12
VPN Overview
VDSL test procedure
Use of FMCC for Fraud detection
Updatrion of New RAISE SW 22-07-12
Uniform Code for deactivation of VAS 22-06-12
UITC Pinless dialing procedure 160611
Transfer of land from DOT to BSNL - Instructions based on the legal opinion given by the BSNL Legal counsel at Trivandrum 08-02-13
To Know CDMA prepaid data usage - Procedure
Test Procedure for 14 4 Mbps Data Speed
Terracom datacord Compatibility with Windows 8 - Procedure reg
Temperature and Humidity control in NT switch rooms 06-06-13
TRAI-QOS benchmark
TRAI EOI on real time- Improving BTS uptime TNC 20-02-11
THS new procedure deferement TNC 31-05-12
Steps for popularising Data usge in BSNL 26-06-13
Stablizer versus AVR
Specification on SMPS based PP
Slow internet speed and frequent authentication server failure - Action taken by MP Circle 28-05-13
Single Point Earthing
Service Tax from ILDOs - Not applicable to BSNL
Service Tax exemption on services provided by Franchisees 09-10-13
Service Tax and CENVET credit rules - guidelines on preparation of bills - Electrical and Civil wing 17-09-13
Scrapping of GSM Equipment 29-11-11
Sancharsoft for CDMA - Guidelines
Sales promotion CDMA Leased line PCO
Sales Promotion LL and BB
Sales Promotion GSM
Safety regarding Fire incidents 19-10-15
Safety from fire incidents reg 30-08-12
Safety from Fire incidents reg 15-04-14
Safety from Fire accidents reg 22-10-12
Safety from Fire Incidents reg 20-09-12
Safety from Fire Incidents 25-04-13
Safety Measures - Accident Fatal - Non fatal - Instructions 25-03-15
SAP Logon Navigation - Procedure
Rural DSLAM burnt cards replacement reg 22-07-11
Root Cause Analysis OG Fail Prepaid Rooaming customers
Revision of SMPS PP specification reg 27-03-14
Revised procedure for Thresh hold limit CMTS 21-11-12
Revised procedure for Thresh hold for CUG and individual 20-11-12
Replacing Burnt cards - Multiplay 19-03-12
Regarding safety from Fire Incidents reg 18-02-14
Raise software patch reg
Railway track cable crossing - ROW charges
RTMS creation procedure 27-03-12
RBI Guidelines on Cheque validity 27-04-12
RAISE website - Centralised monitoring
RAISE software to monitor all alarms online
RAISE Software implementation reg
RAISE SW updated version reg
RAISE SW common mistakes made while installation 26-12-11
QC - Concept of working
Proposal of Fixed hourly energy charges for IPs - 09-01-12
Programming GPRS in GSM FWP
Procedure to be followed immediately after any fatal-non fatal accidents reg
Preventive measurers to avoid fraud
Presentation about Trust card
Prepaid SIM swap thru Sancharsoft
Prameters affecting 3G speed- PP2
Power solution in Rural Areas-BSNL IIT Kanpur
Power point Presentation on CCR Improvement
Policy regarding insurance of laptops issued to the officials - Officers reg 08-05-13
Policy for disposal of redundant NW equipments in BSNL 26-12-12
Policy for Leasing out BSNL Hoardings 13-03-12
Payment of property tax to local bodies
Parameters affecting 3G Speed
Packet transport Network in BSNL - Withdrawal of letter dated 11-04-13
Packet Transport Network in BSNL 11-04-13
PTCC Instructions 13-01-15
One stop Solution to Communication 170611
Obtaining NOC from Airport authority of India for Mobile towers prooviding of SACFA gidelines reg 30-05-13
O&M IP Tax Document - 09-12-11
Non applicability of ST on USOF from DOT 15-05-12
New Service tax rate 19-03-12
NMEICT-Univ-Campus Lan benefits - Power point presentation
NMEICT- Domain name creation - Remedy procedure
NMEICT project connectivity from L2VPN to NKN POP
NMEICT - Speed and Latency test
NKN Circuit Maintenance 16-04-12
NADRS issue - Windows 7 OS
Modifications regarding RCC pre cast chamber by BBNL 16-01-15
Material supply to franchisee against RTGS 05-06-12
Mandatory use of telecom tower standards - TEC 14-02-13
MTNL- BSNL Point to point Ccts Revenue Share 21-05-13
MSC codes issue on VLR data basis instead of HLR 26-01-11
MOU with DO posts for 5 years 281206
MOP Doc for TERMINATION of Incoming ILD traffic from One Softswitch to other - 20-12-11
MOM ipv6 meeting on 20-12-11 - 28-12-11
MLLN Equipment shortage- Some Suggestions
Lease line last mile to Pvt operators reg
KNOW YOUR BSNL - A guide to customer & Staff -JUL 11
International roaming - instructions to make it effective 160311
International call fraud cases 01-03-12
Installation guidelines DSPT
Incidents of Fire - Prevention reg
Inbound SMS for Bill Media change to Email in CRM and WSC - TCS
Implementation of Green Technologies in Telecom sector 23-02-12
Implementation of ERP in BSNL 07-07-13
ITFS non implementation reg 18-01-12
IP Tax Connectivity with MPLS issues 09-12-11
ICN project presentation 17-01-12
How to Rectify Slow speed BB
Highways cable laying ROW Policy 16-07-12
Highways Cable laying MORTH direction lr 16-07-12
Guidelines to provide ISD & Internal Roaming
Guidelines to improve the CDMA signal to Enterprise VPN connections - 18-07-12
Guidelines for safe banking in BSNL 17-10-12
Guidelines for granting ROW permissions for laying telecom cables ducts on NH land reg 13-10-13
Guidelines for granting ROW permission to TSP to lay cable on the land of NH - Cov lr 23-08-13
Guidelines for granting ROW permission to TSP to lay cable on the land of NH - Annexure 23-08-13
Guidelines for change of year from 2011 to 2012 in OCB
Gratuity and Leave Encashment Funds management reg 05-03-15
Gist of service tax clarifications TNC 25-01-12
Gist of initiatives taken for Business promotion 170611
General safety tips and safety tips on using E-mail reg 04-03-13
Games on Demand- Indiagames Portal user guide
GSM vendors Operational issues - MOM on 19-12-11 - 26-12-11
Free cooling system for energy saving reg
Free cooling reg
Fradulant use high cost ISD routes
Flexible Fabric inner-duct -Introduction reg 09-02-15
Flexible Fabric inner-duct - Annexure
Fire incidents - Precautions
Fire accident- Precautions
FWT - MIC ETS2228 Maintanence manual
FL Monitoring support for O&M GSM
Engineering Instructions - FTTH House wiring
Energy conservation strategy in Telecom Buildings
Energy Conservation Tips
Energy Audit of BSNL installations 25-02-12
Employees suggestion scheme 2012 - 15-06-12
Eligibilty criteria for participation in BSNL Electrical - Electro mechanical works tender 05-04-13
Earthing by using GI poles reg 17-01-12
EVDO roaming implementation 050411
ERP-FICO-Transactional Data-Migration Document
EMF non compliance - Penality 06-02-11
EMF measurement from BTSs - Revision of Test procedure 26-09-13
E-payment instructions 30-04-12
E tendering implementation reg 07-12-11
Dispensing Police and RA Reports for OS due cases 14-03-13
Discontinuance of interest payable to SD reg 05-06-12
Discontinuance of VDS 17-07-12 -pdf
Demographic analysis of CM revenue
Day to day operations IPTAX
Data setting for handsets in BSNL
DSLAM project- Supply of sub terminal cable and MDF - Clarification reg 21-06-12
Customercare portal - Registering Procedure
Creation of new Charge bands and analyse
Creation of PRA in EWSD procdure
Creation of PRA - Procedure for OCB283
Creation of PRA - Procedure for 5ESS
Creation of GP2 Deleted Nos 07-04-12
Consumer complaints Handling - 06-02-11
Consolidation of CDOT switches Annexure 02-08-12
Consolidation of CDOT switches 02-08-12
Computation of call drop rates
Compressors Phased out models reg 20-12-11
Comprehensive examination of BSNL by COPU
Composite tender for Civil external Project 20-06-13
Compensation payable to BSNL due to outage beyond stipulated time - 23-01-15
Clubbing Cable damage Charges with IUC bills - Clarification 27-06-12
Classification of E-waste non Ewaste list 26-12-12
Clarifications on Service Tax on Discounts 17-01-12
Clarifications on Service Tax - Sim Cards reg 17-01-12
Clarification of certain issues relating to Service Tax 17-01-12
Civil Works - Maintenance Norms
Civil Electrical service charges for renting out vacant staff quarters to CPSUs etc 18-06-13
Civil Elec Service charges for renting out vacant BSNL Qtrs to other PSUs reg 19-03-15
Check BSNL Broadband Usage on Mobile by SMS
Change in Customer infmn - Printed in bill - 05-07-12
Call filtering in OCB 283 Local switches - TCCCP regulation
Call filtering in EWSD for TCCCP Regulation
CTOPUP - Services and features available 27-05-13
CDR Unbilled acount as on 04-07-12
CDOT Report Generation SW to know status of IOP
CDOT MBM exch conversion in to RBM - Clarification 23-08-12
CDMA WLL instruments programming keys
CDMA Prepaid recharge thru Web portal guidelines 26-03-12
Bulk CDR for CDMA WLL - Guidelines
Blackberry- FAQ
Blackberry smartphone powered by blackberry OS - FAQ - Cov lr
Blackberry product configuration sheet- MMS WAP
Blackberry BIS Lite OverView
Black berry- BIS Social service Overview
Benefits passed to Franchisees
Benefits of Power factor
Benefits of BB Flexi combo plans 22-06-12
Back up time for VRLA batteries - Revision reg 12-03-14
BSNL Enlsitment rules 2012 Electricals - amendment reg 25-03-13
BSNL Application sotre - Power Point
BSNL Application Store promotion reg 200711
BSNL 3G data card -HFCL- Training manual
BSNL - Apps Store FAQ 090611
BB error codes
BB Slow speed issues presentation
BB Equipment Preventive Maintenance Booklet
Auto APN correction feature in SGSN
Architectiral consultancy fee 07-08-12
Applicability of Excemption clause from payment of service tax reg 03-06-13
Amendment in the structure of scrapping committee of Electronic exchanges greater than 1000 lines 24-09-13
Amendment in Cenvat credit Rules 2004 reg 20-04-12
Affixing rev stamps on receipts reg 10-12-12
Adoption of CPWD works manual 2012 and Delhi Schedule of rates 2012 12-06-12
Activation of all type of SIMs - Tablet- Datacard 21-04-12
Accepting Single tender - Corrigenda reg 15-01-14
Acceptance of Single tender - guide lines 22-09-12
5ESS Exchanges - SU 13 upgradation - 08-12-11
4G Wireless Standard
3G node-B - Ethernet backhaul
3G VLR count 13-12-11
3G Node Migration to IP backhaul-12-7-2011
3G DataCard - Power point
140 series for LL Telemarketters reg