Withdrawal of 2nd ACP granted erroneously - CAT Ahmedabad Judgement dated 14-10-2011
Telecom disputes thru arbitration not by Consumer forums 080909
Steno grapher ACP - Instructions - 210409
Seniority Case Competitive quota vs Seniority Quota - Hon HC of Kerala Judgement dt 12-04-12
Senior getting less pay than junior in the light of EPP - Hon HC of Kerala - 10-07-2012
Senior getting less pay than Junior ( Adhoc DEs ) - Hon Ernakulam CAT judgement
SLP 4553 -2012 in OA no 1282 - 2010 - Pay fixation of Officiating JTO case reg
SDE to DE promotion - Stay-J&K circle-010609
SDE to DE DPC STAY - CAT Chennai - 261110
SDE Officiating on AI or Circle gradation list basiis - Hon HC of Kerala judgement 27-02-12
SC order on grant of grace marks in JAO exam reg 19-01-15
SC order on grant of grace marks in JAO exam reg 19-01-15 - Cov lr 04-02-15
SC ST Seniority reversion - Writ at HC Chennai reg
Right to pension cannot be taken away pending proceedings - Hon SC judgement copy dt 14-08-13
Revision of TES Gr B seniority - Representation reg 01-02-12
Revaluation of Paper- LICE Exam - HC Delhi order 150611
Refund of employees EPF contribution share for the past period - HC order
Refund of employees EPF contribution share for the past period - Cov lr
Pre rec training for SC ST Executives-CAT Chennai-130710
Pay fixation of applicants in OA 1282 of 2010 under FR 22 1 a 1 reg 16-04-14
Officiating JTOs pay fixation as per Hon CAT direction reg - Instructions 09-01-15
Officiating JTOs pay Fixation - OA no 1282 -2010 - SLP 4553-2012 reg
Officiating JTOs Pay fixation under FR 22 I A I as per Hon Princial Bench CAT - Delhi judgement reg 17-10-14
OA 423-2011 of Hon CAT Bangalore - Related to local officiating in STS Gr A posts as per seniority reg
Notional increment case - LDCE Seniority - List 6 and 7- Hon SC judgement copy 25-08-14
Notional date of promotion for LDCE candidates - Hon CAT Jabalpur judgement - 21-11-12
National federation of Blind verses UOI - HCDelhi- 150909
National Litigation Policy 2010 implementation
Management Trainee RR 2009 - Educational qualification and maximum age limit case - PCAT Delhi Judgement 10-01-13
LICE 2013 candidature for exam - Utilisation of Hon CAT judgment of Chandigarh reg
LICE 2013 candidature for exam - Utilisation of Hon CAT judgment of Aallahabad reg 16-04-14
LICE - revaluation of answer sheet - Hon CAT Jabalpur judgement - TNC 21-09-12
LICE - evaluation of Answer sheets JAO Part-II - Judgement
LICE - Revaluation of Answer sheet - Court order reg 21-11-14
LICE - JAO Exam - Dicrepencies in framing questions - Answer key and evaluatuion of answer sheet - Hon Chennai CAT judgement dt 13-03-2012
LDCE2002 - Antedating of increment - representations - Corrigendum 27-01-12
LDCE exam dt 04-03-12 - Posting of SDEs stayed by Hon
LDCE case - Principal Bench CAT New Delhi judgement dated 21-05-13
LDCE JTO to SDE on 04-03-12 - CAT Chennai direction - Outcome of OA 260- 2012
LDCE 2002 antedate of increment w e f 23-01-2002 case at BGE reg 23-01-12
Judgement-SLP- Counting experience for notional increment
Judgement-PB CAT Delhi- BSNL Gr A association( Deemed officer promotion reg)
Judgement - SC ST Roster case JTO to SDE promotion - OA 1358-2010 - 240610
Judgement - SC ST Roster case JTO to SDE promotion - OA 1358-2010 - 240610-1
Judgement - LICE - Revaluation of JAO Answer sheets
JTO to SDE promotion Roaster case - Hon HC of Chennai - WP 16102 and 26246 of 2011 - Judgement copy
JTO to SDE promotion - SC ST Roster case at Hon HC chennai - 15-03-12 direction
JTO to SDE off - As per yr of rec- CAT Ernakulam 161110
JTO seniority as per DOPT guidlines CHTD - AIGETOA case at Hon CAT Chennai - )A 36 - 2011 Judgement 03-05-12
JTO officiating case - OA 3883-2014 MA 3364-2014 and OA 3365-2014 disposing the applications 08-01-15
JTO diversion from DR to 35 per quota- CAT Chandigarh 300508
JTO Officiating Pay fixation - As per Hon CAT judgement reg - Clarification 01-04-15
JTO Officiating Court cases reg Corporate office Instructions reg 09-05-13
JTO Off pay as per FR22 1 A 1 - CAT Erna judgement-150709
JTO LICE vaccancy regardin - OA 587 2013 CAT Chennai Judgement copy 02-05-14
JTO LICE - Interim stay order by Hon HC Kerala at Ernakulam 17-11-11
JTO Exam 2008 - Answer sheet correction reg - HC New Delhi order 05-10-11
JAO Part II exam - Regarding relaxation of standards - Hon CAT Chandigarh judgement 11-06-14
Interse seniority on actual date of joining CAT Chandigarh 250809
Implementation of OA no 1282 - 2010 Judgement -Pay fixation of officiating JTOs clarification reg 01-01-14
Implementation of OA no 1282 - 2010 Judgement -Pay fixation of officiating JTOs clarification reg - tnc 07-01-14
ITS absorbtion case at Hon HC Delhi - judgement 28-11-11
ITS absorbtion case - Operative portion of Delhi HC judgement on 17-04-12
ITS absorbtion case - Delhi HC judgement on 17-04-12
IDA pay fixation on promotion date - HC Chennai 300311
Hon SC Order reg Committee On disputes cases
Hon SC - Record of proceedings on quashing of seniority list no 6 and 7 reg - 26-08-13
Hon HC of Delhi Dirction on ITS repatriation issue
Hon CAT Ernakulam Judgement on AI Eligibility list of JTOs reg 16-01-15
HC BGE - Counting experience for notional increment - 25 per LDCE case
Grant of sanction for Prosecution - Guidelines in line with Hoc SC order 26-03-15
Discrepency in conducting LDCE for promotion to the grade JTO reg - Hon CAT jabalpur judgement dt 14-08-14 reg
Disclosure of personal information under RTI act 2005 - CIC judgement - DOP and T lr 14-08-13
Delayed incomplete submission of affidavits in Hon Courts by the Circlesreg - Instructions to be adhered 18-02-14
Deferred option case - CAT Ernakulam 140610
Defending court cases filed by officiating JTOs reg - Instructions 26-06-13
DR JTO post diversion to 35 per quota- BSNL instruction 050509
Counting Gr C service for transfer-AP high court080210
Counting Gr C service for transfer 150708
Copy of Answer sheet - CIC 150109
Civil Elec ACP - CAT Guahati310809
Chennai HC Interim stay Order - CAT direction in SC ST case
Chandigar CAT - LDCE is not necessary reg
CTO Delhi staff redeployment - PB CAT Delhi 260509
COD permission for filing case - Instuction
CGA appointment - CAT AHemadabad 280809
CDA - IDA option - Chennai CATjudgement 120810
CAT jurisdiction applicability to BSNL 121208
CAT Jourisdiction - DoPT Notification 23-09-14
CAT Cuttack Bench - Fixation of seniority LDCE 2003 - Cor off instruction reg appeal 27-12-11
BSNL Absorbtion T&C- PB CAT Delhi 121110
Applicability of judgements-BSNl Instructions 190407
Anamoly of ACP EPP - Case of Executive of Architect wing -Hon CAT kolkatta judgement 28-04-15
Anamoly of ACP EPP - Case of Executive of Architect wing - Cov lr Hon CAT kolkatta judgement 28-04-15
Adhoc DE service counting -MTNL- CAT PB judgement 200110
Ad interim stay against CAT Chennai order dated 24-06-11 - Cor
ACR adv entry-CAT Chandigargh 030909