Site maintained by Circle Secretary Com. Valanarasu.G, Mobile - 9486103800, email -
Let There Be Every Effort By Every Employee to Revive BSNL
Last Updated : 04-09-2024 08:31 PM
Our beloved Circle president Alagupandiraja,Circle Treasurer Kishorekumar and CWC MEMBER CHTD com Adigovind along with CS TN Com G.Valanarasu met Shri Parthiban CGM TN circle and had  deliberation.The meeting was fruitful...

Today Circle Secretary Com G.Valanarasu ,CWC Member Chennai Telephones Com Adi Govind , Com Earnest Jayakaran and Com Ravisankar met our Newly appointed CGM Tamilnadu Circle Shri Parthiban at his chamber at Ethiraj Salai ....we conveyed our greetings and CGM sir was happy to receive our greetings...we assured fullest cooperation for development of BSNL Tamilnadu Circle.
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Circle Secretary Comrade Valanarasu  met Honourable CMD BSNL, MTNL &BBNL along with Com .Adigovind CWC MEMBER CHTD, Com Sathishkumar DS Electrical, Com Saravanan DS CNTx and Com Maheshkumar Ex ACS and  had a nice meeting .

CMD sir is so positive and advised CGMs to have humanitarian approach. Hope he will agree for two years completion cases ... Regarding 3rd PRC he was so positive ...He is a technocrat and 4G launch he told it will be completed in fast manner in all  respect .Hope under his leadership BSNL will flourish and all our demands will get materialized...

 Circle Secretary Comrade Valanarasu  met  met GS SNEA com Adasul ji along  with Com .Adigovind CWC MEMBER CHTD, Com Sathishkumar DS Electrical, Com Saravanan DS CNTx and Com Maheshkumar Ex ACS .

Circle Secretary Comrade Valanarasu  met  Shri Kalyansagar Nippani Dir HR along  with Com .Adigovind CWC MEMBER CHTD, Com Sathishkumar DS Electrical, Com Saravanan DS CNTx and Com Maheshkumar Ex ACS ..Had a nice meeting. Discussed with him ongoing developments and requested him to settle long pending transfer cases .He was kind enough and assured to do it ..


Circle secretary TN met Shri Venkateswarlu CGM TN circle....CGM was so positive and hope under his leadership Tamilnadu will reach its heights...Shri Adi Govind CWC member CHTD was also present...

On behalf of SNEA TN Circle, Com Valanarasu CS SNEA, Circle Treasurer Com Kishore, Sakthivel ACS, Com Krishnasamy CVP, SNEA, Com Maxwell SDE  welcomed Shri  Banavathu Venkateswarlu, CGM TN Circle


CS TN com VALANARASU alongwith AGS com.Brelin Isacc,

CTTN Com.Kishorekumar, CWC member CHTD Com Adi govind ,

 SNPWA CS com Rajan met DIR HR BSNL Board  Shri Kalyan Sagar Nippani sir .The meeting was very cordial and DIR HR assured to look into pending HR issues .He was kind enough to listen to our issues and hope under his dynamic leadership HR issues will get resolved.🙏

Team of SNEA, lead by GS SNEA, com Manish Samadhiya AIP, com Brelin Isacc, com Jagadale CS SNEA KTK, Com Valanarasu CS SNEA Tamilnadu, com Kishore CT Tamilnadu and com Adi Govind CWC member. Chennai TD met CMD BSNL and greeted him. Held discussion on following issues.

1. FTTH speed issues.
2. Need of OTT service for our FTTH customer.
3. strengthening of Transmission with added Nodes and other higher bandwidth transportation network elements.
4. Improving of Infrastructure.
5. Sufficient vehicles for field works.

Com Valanarasu CS SNEA TN explained how and what are strategies being used for increasing the number of FTTH in TN.
He also explained the need of OTT service with FTTH.

 HR Issues :
com Manish Samadhiya explained and requested the CMD for implementation of 
1. Standard pay scales for Executives.
2. Need of 3rd PRC implementation.
3. Promotions for in all cadre.which will motivate the Executives.

CMD BSNL responded positively and appreciated about our concern about service improvement .
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Com G Valanarasu Circle Secretary Tamilnadu Circle,Com Adigovind ,CWC member Chennai Telephones  and Protocol Officer Chennai Telephones ,Com Baskar met Director  HR Designate Shri.Kalyan Sagar ,Circle Secretary  expressed his greetings and assured our fullest cooperation for the betterment of BSNL. He also requested him to resolve all HR issues for the benefit of executives fraternity. Shri Kalyan Sagar Director Hr Designate also assured the same .


Delegation of SNEA Salem team along with G.Valanarasu Circle Secretary SNEA TN Circle met  Sri.Pannerselvan Circle Secretary SEWA TN & CHQ Treasurer. Shri Ramani President and Shri Jayakumr SEWA Salem were also present. G.Valanarasu Circle Secretary SNEA TN Circle garlanded Shri Pannerselvam Circle secretary SEWA TN Circle .Strategy to be followed for the ensuing Membership verification was discussed. SEWA office bearers reciprocated in a positive way and assured their wholehearted support for SNEA . Com Sekar CWC MEMBER,Com Srinivasan DS Salem Com ,IC senthil CEC member ,com V.Senthil ADS, Com Saravanan ADS Com Ramesh Branch secretary  GMO and other office bearers of SNEA  were present in this occasion.

All District Secretary and Circle office Bearers are requested to meet District Secretaries of SEWA BSNL and request their support for the ensuing Membership verification .



Com.Valanarasu,Circle Secretary ,Com.Kishorekumar Circle Treasurer and Com.Krishnasamy Circle Vice President met Shri C V. Vinod CGM Tamilnadu Circle and greeted him for becoming" Top leader of BSNL "among big circles . Click here for photo


Central working committee meeting of SNEA CHQ conducted from 3rd May 2023 to 5th May 2023 for three days at Hyderabad . Open House session attended by Hon. Shri Pravin Kumar Purwar ji ,CMD,BSNL as the Chief Guest . Guest of Honour Shri Srinivas Chaganti ,CGM Telangana Telecom Circle and Shri N.D. Ram ,General Secretary,SEWA BSNL graced the occasion .Our Circle Secretary  Com Valanarasu along with Comrade Berlin Issac AGS ,Comrade Kishore Kumar ,Circle Treasurer and Comrade Sekar CWC member attended the CWC meeting . Director HR Shri Arvind Vadnerkar participated on the 3rd day of CWC and graced the session .

CMD presented a momento to CS SNEA TN G.valanarasu for bringing our a very good classic diary 2023.He also appreciated our CS ,as AGM S M-CFA TN circle incharge of FTTH Tamilnadu circle for  leading in provision of FTTH.He also applauded the work done by all executives of TN ...Thanks to GS SNEA for making this opportunity and thanks to our beloved CGMT TN for his guidance and support and thanks to GM S M TN circle and the whole team of circle office ,Nodal officers,BBCs , TXmn and NIB team and FTTH partners also for their  efforts to increase the FTTH connections...

Key Take away points from CMD address in CWC:

1.BNG Procurement for FTTH smoothening. 

2.Super core router commissioned.Super core router ordered and will be commissioned 

3.30,000 optical fibre procured.12,000 km more ordered in this financial year. 

4.1-1.5% for maintenance. 

5.All tenders finalised for transmission systems. 

6.Policy implementation for Govt.for which BSNL is required and necessary. 

7.Spectrum- allocation -6.4MHz spectrum in every Circle in 900MHz by Govt free of cost incl GST.10MHz spectrum in 2100MHz band in every Circle.For 5G 100MHz spectrum in 3600 MHz band agreed in principle by Finance ministry and will be approved soon by MoC.This will make BSNL at par with Pvt operators in spectrum allocation. 

8.4G procurement approved by Home minster and will be approved by Minister of Defence ,head of GoM for final approval,expected by this week.

1 lakh 4G sites for 13,000Crores planned particularly in 700MHz Freq band. 

9. 6,900 crores package put forward to Govt for 5G deployment and upgradation to 5G.


1.upkeeping of network 100% thru maintaining Battery and PP.

2.Clearing of Fiber faults within time.75,000 own sites ,against 25,000 battery ,PP ordered,.i.e 1/3rd. 30,000 PP modules will be procured in the coming month for PP maintenance and thus keeping the batteries healthy and longer life.12,000 crore investment only in power infra. 


1.To ensure >99% uptime ,at par with Pvt operators.BA wise plan for keeping 99% up-time of all network elements.

Whatever elements required may be identified and submitted and will be provided. 

2.Sales and distribution network,CSCs to be improved to enhance customer service.Service with a Smile. 

3.Atttending FTTH faults in less than 4hours.

70,000 crores tools and testers for this ordered across the country for the same. 

Investment is not the challenge,since the loan liabilities have been reduced to 5,600 crores from 10,000 crores in last financial year which enable to invest in network. 

CMD congratulated all present employees and efforts in maintaining the network ever after VRS where 1lakh employees left. 

Meeting with PM

Can u change your people?

Govt given opportunity and cleared all balance sheets of BSNL.

26,000 crores of investment in BSNL. 

Change of work culture in BSNL.

IPMS is not a tool to punish or to deny any promotions to the executives.Only a tool to measure ourselves monthly/quarterly/yearly. 

Management will support for development of skill-sets of the executives thru appropriate trainings enable to compete in the market. 

Request to all associations to point out to work out and point out in areas where executives to be trained and equipped. 

People want BSNL to be successful against the Pvt operators for healthy competition. 

Efforts to make system transparent like e-office,online transfer requests and posting.

Making of DPC calendar.

Centralisation of payments for faster and timely Vendor payments.

Transfers are essential for healthy organisation.

Change of places helps to reduce errors and enable to upkeep the efficacy of the executives and learning.

Transfers should not be pick and choose and should be transparent.


All promotions done except in AO to CAO and AGM to DGM due to pending court cases.

Assured to make possible promotions in all cadres.

Quantum of LICE brought down.

More people can participate in competitive exams.

SDE RR finalised and VC sought for JTO to SDE promotions.

All provitions as per Constitution to be ensured to be implemented in all promotions.

Promotions of JTO to SDE in civil electrical will be worked out to reduce lengthy period.

Mobiles and laptops to implement upto JTO level in a gradual manner at par with GMs.

Future of BSNL

BSNL will become as what we wanted to be.



Com Valanarasu, CS Tamil Nadu Circle & Com Sakthivel, ACS addressed the JTO Trainees in RGMTTC about the achievements & importantance of SNEA in the history of BSNL. Com Suresh CS CHTD and com Boopalan CP and com Vijayan ACS CHTD also addressed the trainees and explained about the importance to join SNEA .Com Naveen Kumar DS SNEA Chennai I narrated the positive aspects of SNEA and asked them to take right decision by joining beloved SNEA



SNEA Tamil Nadu Circle Secretary Com G.Valanarasu along with the Circle Office Bearers met CGM TN Circle ,CGM CN Tx South, PGM EB, PGM Mtc CN Tx South ,GM HR ,GM S&M,GM Fin , GM CM and Conveyed New Year wishes  with SNEA Diary and Calendars. 



SNEA CHQ is aware that this is a partial order of AGM promotions, as SDEs in List 9 are left out and those in Lists 10, 11 and 12 are waiting for their AGM promotions.

SNEA is committed to pursue the promotions in the second phase, as assured by CMD BSNL, and we are confident that with a fresh review of vacancies by DGM Promotions, a review of posts as per the actual restructuring norms, the addition of BBNL posts, etc., All these SDEs will be promoted as AGM in the coming days.


Great achievement of SNEA Tamilnadu in posting of SDE to AGM/DE Promotion:

SNEA Tamilnadu take pride in posting of the SDE to AGM/DE on as it is where basis on promotion . We thank our beloved CGM TN Circle,GM HR,DGM HR,AGM HR and HR section for swiftly  issuing the posting order on as it is where basis .

Congratulations to the promoted Executives . SNEA Tamilnadu circle will continue to flight for left out Comrades for early promotion . 

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Site maintained by Circle Secretary Com. Valanarasu. G , mobile - 9486103800 , email -